St. Vincent de Paul Society is an international, independent Catholic Charity founded in 1883 by Frederick Ozanam in Paris, France. The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Conference Saint Julie Billiart Conference was established in 2015 in Newbury Park, CA. At the heart of the Society at St. Julie's are our member- volunteers. These members are called “Vincentians,” and they are actively helping friends in need.
The Vincentians of assist local families and individuals ,providing assistance with food, rent, utilities, and other basic needs.
For Financial Assistance:
Please call 805 270-9597 and leave a message describing how we can assist.
A Vincentian will return your call and walk you through the process.
*Financial assistance is limited to residents of Newbury Park referrals to other SVDP local conferences are available for neighbors outside of Newbury Park.
Food Distribution:
Saint Julie's Food Pantry is open by appointment only on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am -12pm.
Please call 805.270.9597 and leave a message stating that you are in need of food.
A Vincentian will return your call and schedule and appointment.