Saint Julie’s 2022 T-shirt features our logo on the front and back and our newest hashtag reference, #themissioncontinues.
Our Logo Story The source and summit of our faith are found in the Eucharistic celebration. As we are all the body of Christ, we are all called to receive, gather, and be nourished as one body in the centrality of the church where the Heart of Christ resides. Our Parish logo represents the Eucharist. The logo represents the body of Christ, the center of the blood of Christ, both shared with us all in the Eucharistic Celebration! The many parts of the logo represent the people, our Parish, as we represent Christ here in our community, nation, and world.
Faith and Stewardship At Baptism, we are given the gift of faith; we learn and grow together as disciples of Christ. At Confirmation, the Holy Spirit inspires us to proclaim the good news through the gift of mission and ministry. Each time we receive the Eucharist, Christ invites us to be “Stewards of the Gospel,” to be “Doers of His Word.”
The Mission Continues Our mission began in the upper room, but it continues in each and everyone one of us. We are called to serve; we are called to love and to walk humbly in the footsteps of Christ.
Wearing Your T-Shirt! Wearing your Saint Julie’s T-shirt will not only be a simple way to support your parish but a reminder that “The Mission Continues” and we are the “Body of Christ”, disciples called to spread the good news.